Kim's Home Page

Hi, my name is Kim Keith. I am a graduate of Purdue University, in West Lafayette, IN. I earned a BS in Dietetics from the school of Consumer and Family Sciences. in 1993. I believe that everyone (including me) should learn to eat healthier. Check out my Nutrition Page for some good tips.

I currently work as a domestic engineer. It is often the hardest and always the most rewarding job I have ever had. It makes me feel good to know that the care my one-year-old, Jessie, receives is the best she can get. You can learn more about her by clicking on her name above. She can be seen with her father and me in our family photos.

My husband, Matt, and I recently started an internet services business. It is called Keith Communications. Please check out some of our web pages. There will be new pages every week . . . so keep looking.

Also, check out my friend, Katy's, home page. She loves to receive mail, so drop her a note now!

You can click here to see my sister, Carrie's, page.

Or, you can click here to see my sister, Jill's, page.

Here is my Baby Page.

Thanks for stopping by, and please sign my Guest Book.
